ELO Scheduling Process and Requirements

Site Eligibility Requirements

  • A minimum of 15 youth per session to participate in the ELO
  • Have a designated adult present during each session who is responsible for providing the youths’ names, sign  documents and to confirm the date, number of youth and activity provided for each session
  • Secure approval from Prime Time before ELO session begins
ELO Session Formats
  • In-person sessions are currently the format available to all sites. 
Site Responsibilities
  • ELOs are not responsible for making youth behave. OST staff are responsible for the behavior of youth in the program.
  • Provide a minimum of 24 hours' notice if you have to cancel or reschedule
  • Complete the ELO monthly survey HERE


After you have registered your program, the community partnerships manager will contact the program and schedule a site visit/Zoom session to assess:

  • Licensing status
  • Needs of the community
  • Average daily attendance
  • Staff-to-children ratio
  • “Feeder” schools (if community or faith-based program)
  • Perceived understanding by program staff of the commitment/pro-active participation required to effectively use ELOs
  • Prime Time will make the final decision to approve or deny the program's eligibility to receive ELOs

More Information


Luisa Vincent

Community Partnerships Manager

Interested in Becoming an ELO Provider?

Prime Time is not contracting with any additional expanded learning opportunity providers at this time. Please contact Luisa Vincent, community partnerships specialist, for information on our proposal process for becoming an ELO provider.

In the meantime, there are lots of ways you can get involved. Keep in touch with us by:

  • Attending our events
  • Signing up for our high-quality trainings (FYI, they are free of charge!)
  • Joining our mailing list to stay up-to-date on the latest Prime Time happenings
  • Exploring our website